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Thatz My Jamz/Universal Thoughtz Music Group

The Return of Julius Harris

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Based on the 1972 movie “Superfly”, Julius Harris

a.k.a. Scatter, was a drug lord supplying kilos of cocaine
to inner city pimps and hustlers. Not a force to be
reckoned with, Harris was tapped on the shoulder by
Ron O’neil, a.k.a. Priest, to supply him with 30 kilos of
cocaine. Having supplied Priest on many occasions,
Harris was reluctant in wanting to deal with another loss.
Nevertheless, Scatter takes a chance with Priest and
supplies him with 30 kilos of cocaine. All hell breaks
loose when one of Priest’s street dealers, Fat Freddie,
gives the Fed’s all the info they need to come after
Priest and Scatter and bring the whole organization
down. Although the actors in the movie “Superfly”
were fictional, we live amongst a society that harbor
non-fictional characters like the movie. This album
was created to show and prove amongst the youths

that there is a better life ahead of them if they focus
and stay in school, and not succumb to the street life.
The Return of Julius Harris is packed with die hard lyrics,
and bears down on what can become if one does not take
control of their own destiny. I support everyone willing to
make a change in his, or her own life. Never give up faith,
stay positive and follow your dreams.


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